
Total Training Adobe Flash CS4 Professional New Animation Techniques 新動畫特性教學 英文DVD版

軟體名稱: Total Training Adobe Flash CS4 Professional New Animation Techniques
語系版本: 英文DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝 (單面 DVD)
破解說明: 無
系統支援: 適用所有 Windows 及 Mac 作業系統
軟體類型: 教學
更新日期: 2009.06.10
相關網址: http://www.totaltraining.com/prod/adobe/flashcs4pro_nat.asp
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)

Total-Training 出品的 Adobe Flash CS4 Professional New Animation
Techniques 基本教學,從初級到中級,John Ulliman 主講,時長5個小時。

Title: Adobe Flash CS4 Professional New Animation Techniques
Category: Web Design & Publishing
Presenter: John Ulliman

John Ulliman is an Adobe Certified Expert and an Adobe Certified
Instructor for Flash, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Director, Flash Video
and Flash Mobile environment. A veteran in the interactive digital
media industry,John began his career supporting cutting edge
applications for computer modeling and animation in the Aerospace
industry before starting his own studio, On the Wave Visual
Communications. John is currently a software consultant for some of
the largest names in the industry and an instructor for numerous
products for creating 2D and 3D artwork, assembling it into
animations and interactive environments, as well as products which
help edit and produce a final project - whether that might be video,
TV, CD-ROM, web or print.


* Learn how to create and control the Motion Tween using the Motion
Editor Panel
* Find out how to set up and modify Inverse Kinematics animations
* See how to use Inverse Kinematics bones to control Shapes
* Discover how to use the new 3D properties and tools
* Watch how to select, use and create Advanced Easing Curves.
