
Lynda.com Dw jQuery Projects Creating an Interactive Video Gallery Dw jQuery開發創建互動式圖片庫視頻教程 英文DVD版

軟體名稱: Lynda.com Dw jQuery Projects Creating an Interactive Video Gallery
語系版本: 英文DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護種類: 序號
破解說明: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista /7
硬體需求: PC
軟體類型: 教學
更新日期: 2011.08.09
軟體發行: Lynda.com
官方網站: http://www.lynda.com/jQuery-1-5-tutorials/jQuery-Projects-Creating-an-Interactive-Photo-Gallery/80446-2.html
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)

主講人: Chris Converse
Lynda.com 出品的時長1小時52分鐘的Dw+jQuery開發:創建互動式圖片庫視頻教程
。由Chris Converse演示使用HTML,CSS和開源JavaScript框架的jQuery開發一個
網站的互動式圖片庫。 從原始圖片集中的不同大小圖片的提取,網站佈局設計,


Previewing the project across browsers and devices 05m 32s
About the exercise files 02m 19s

09m 49s
1. Preparing the Gallery Photos Renaming a series of files in Adobe Bridge 03m 07s
Using GREP for more intricate file renaming 06m 42s

29m 05s
2. Creating the Layout in HTML and CSS Creating and linking HTML and CSS files 01m 32s
Save For Web & Devices in Photoshop 07m 02s
Creating empty CSS rules 03m 55s
Create, nest, and class DIV tags 06m 00s
Adding CSS properties for main container 04m 00s
Adding CSS properties for content area 04m 28s
Adding CSS properties for headings 02m 08s

15m 55s
3. Adding and Linking Thumbnail Images Adding and linking the thumbnail images 02m 32s
Styling the thumbnail links with CSS 05m 15s
Downloading and adding jQuery to your project 02m 42s
Overriding the browser's default link behavior 05m 26s

11m 10s
4. Incorporating the Preview Images Creating preview images from anchor links 01m 52s
Changing the preview when clicking thumbnails 05m 59s
Changing the caption when clicking thumbnails 03m 19s

12m 00s
5. Adding a Preloader Adding an image preload plug-in for jQuery 02m 22s
Setting a dissolve transition between previews 04m 31s
Implementing the preload functionality 05m 07s

15m 20s
6. Adding a Lightbox Adding a lightbox plug-in for jQuery 02m 02s
Creating a custom function for lightbox properties 07m 38s
Setting links to activate the lightbox feature 05m 40s

03m 40s
7. Taking Care of the Final Details Initializing the gallery on page load 03m 40s

05m 11s
8. Styling the Hyperlinks Adding icons and styles to the zoom and contact links 05m 11s

02m 43s
9. Where to go from here Some ideas for further enhancements 02m 43s
