Lc360VideoWorkflow 自己也能拍攝vr360影片 工作流程 英文DVD版(只能用電腦播放)(2DVD)
影片名稱: Lc360VideoWorkflow 自己也能拍攝vr360影片 工作流程
語系版本: 英文DVD版
光碟片數: 2片裝 (單面 DVD)
破解說明: mp4檔,只能用電腦播放
系統支援: Windows XP/ME/NT/2000/2003/Vista/7/8
軟體類型: 教程
更新日期: 2016.11.28
相關網址: 無
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
001 Welcome.mp4
002 Using the exercise files.mp4
003 How does 360° video work_.mp4
004 What you should know.mp4
005 Where can you watch 360° video_.mp4
006 Camera setup.mp4
007 Camera settings.mp4
008 Shooting in the field.mp4
009 Dealing with sound.mp4
010 Movement considerations.mp4
011 What to shoot.mp4
012 Importing project footage.mp4
013 Stitching 360° spherical video.mp4
014 Assembling footage on the timeline.mp4
015 Finishing and exporting.mp4
016 Embedding with Google's VR view system.mp4
017 Uploading and sharing on YouTube.mp4
018 Next steps.mp4
019 Welcome.mp4
020 Importing project footage.mp4
021 Stitching together 3D video.mp4
022 Assembling and editing footage.mp4
023 Turning flat shots into 3D.mp4
024 Adding 3D titles.mp4
025 Finishing and exporting.mp4
026 Embedding and uploading on YouTube.mp4
027 Next steps.mp4